Statistics and meaning of name Onwuanaibe

We have no records about Onwuanaibe being used as firstname.
Surname Onwuanaibe is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Nigeria)


Surname Onwuanaibe in USA   

Onwuanaibe reversed is Ebianauwno
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Uanoanbeiw Unaownabei Aawuonienb Eubownania Uabowenina Nibawounae
Misspells: Onwuonaibe Onwuanaybe Onvvuanaibe Onwuanajbe Onwuanaebe Onwuanaibea Ownuanaibe Onwuanaieb Onwuanabie

Rhymes: ascribe bribe circumscribe describe diatribe gibe imbibe inscribe tribe

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ibeawuchi Luther Onwuanaibe says: The surname Onwuanaibe is predominately beared by a famous family in Umueze Umuokirika,Umuoba Uratta in Owerri North Local Government Area of Imo state, Nigeria Africa. The owner of the name was high Chief Onwuanaibe Ahanaonu. That ruled Uratta kingdom during the colonial era. He was a sucessful business marchant and a first class Traditional Ruler. The name "Onwuanaibe" simply implies that death doesn't take half death, rather when it comes there is no pleage of half death, the person must answer the call of death,not in pieces.
Ibeawuchi Onwuanaibe says: I think the name Onwuanaibe originated from a family in Umueze Umuoba Uratta in Owerri North LGA of Imo state Nigeria in Africa. It is the surname of the descendants of Chief Onwuanaibe Ahanonu, a late prominent traditional ruler. A very large polygamous family. To my understanding, the literally meaning of the name connotes that "when death comes it does not take half". By implication death take the whole body.

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