Statistics and meaning of name Nwanedo

Usage: 13% firstname, 87% surname.
Nwanedo first name was found 3 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Nigeria)
Surname Nwanedo is used at least 19 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Nwanedo
Given names
John Nwanedo (2)
Vivian Nwanedo (1)
Vivain Nwanedo (1)
Johnson Nwanedo (1)
Christine Nwanedo (1)

Nwanedo reversed is Odenawn
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Nawonde Neawdon Newnoda Waonden Ownande Odweann Doennaw
Misspells: Nwonedo Nvvanedo Nwanedoa Nawnedo Nwaneod Nwandeo

Rhymes: Acevedo Alfredo Laredo Toledo Wilfredo credo redo tornado dado tomato potato

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Nwanedo Ugoeke says: Nwanedo is an Igbo (in Nigeria) name. The Igbos generally give names that are related to or expressive of their experiences, expectations, faith, roots, etc. The Igbo culture and tradition does not encourage divorce,or a woman having children in more than one family, if that can be avoided. But sometimes the woman may face certain hardships (dire situations resulting from the death of her husband, or from general maltreatment) that would ordinarily cause her to go, leaving her children behind. But instead of leaving, most reasonable women would put the interests of their children first; she would rather stay and suffer, but be their first her children, than abandoning them because of her own interests. So, Nwanedo means:- "It's the Child/ren that keep/s (kept). Like, I did not (or would not) leave only because of my children. It could also apply to a man, but rarely does. It could also be an admonition that: before you abandon ship, remember your children. Thanks.

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