Statistics and meaning of name Nirban

Usage: 24% firstname, 76% surname.
Nirban first name was found 29 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Nirban is used at least 88 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Hindi.

      Surname Nirban
Given names
Sejal Nirban (2)
Krunal Nirban (2)
Roshni Nirban (1)
Mohinder Nirban (1)
Isabella Nirban (1)
Rameshchandra Nirban (1)

Given name Nirban
Family names
Nirban Sivia (2)
Nirban Deb (1)
Nirban Datta (1)

Nirban reversed is Nabrin
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Nibarn Rniabn Nrianb Irnanb
Misspells: Nirbon Nilban Nirrban Nyrban Njrban Nerban Nirbana Nriban Nirbna Nirabn

Rhymes: Durban Urban interurban suburban turban urban mission ribbon given women written

Meaning of name Nirban is: Simple; Emancipated from the World

samar singh says: In Rajasthan 'Nirban or Nirwan' is a clan of Rajputs who were close to the Prithvi Raj Chauhan of Ajmer. There were four sons Maankrao, Mokal, Alhan and Naradev from Maharani Vanchaldevi of King Aspal chauhan of Nadol (Pali). The Queen was like a goddess 'devi' so initially their sons were known as Devira, Devda, Deora. The youngest Naradev was ambitious, visionary and brave. In 11th century A.D, Nardev chauhan conquered Khandela and Given this title 'Nirban'by his father King Aspal. Nardev Chauhan founded The Nirban Clan of Rajputs; now their descendants use this title. The mother of great warrior Rao shekhaji was a 'Nirban Rajput'. 'Nirban' is a branch of Chauhan Rajputs. The founder of clan was Nardev Devda Chauhan who was later known as 'Nirban' . The original name is 'Nirban' as the time passed it was misspelled and became 'Nirwan' both of them are the same. 'निर्बाण' अथवा 'निर्वाण' Nirban are Rajput in Jaipur, Khandela, Khetri, Chirawa, Chanana, Pilani, Balaji, Papurana, Jasrapur, Malsisar, Alsisar, Udaipurwati, Jhunjhunu, Sikar, Kalipahadi, Kharkhda, Churu, Laxmangarh, Gudha, and in all regions of Shekhawati . Present time they live in many cities outside Rajasthan. Nirban Rajput's origin is in Rajasthan. Some live in U.P, Gaziabad, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Kolkata, Chennai and all parts of India. Jobs and business are the reasons for the migration.

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