Statistics and meaning of name Nihita

Nihita first name was found 25 times in 4 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Nihita.


Given name Nihita
Family names
Nihita Khatau (2)

Nihita reversed is Atihin
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Inihat Ihiant Nihtia Hnitia Ihniat Nhitai Tianhi
Misspells: Nihito Nyhita Njhita Nehita Nihitaa Nhiita Nihiat Nihtia

Rhymes: Wichita Akita Angelita Anita Benita Bonita Chiquita feta meta cheetah pita fajita

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Nihita says: I must be the world's first Nihita, and now that this name is being queried, i shall let you know of its meaning. numerologically too it has been said that Nihita is a unique combo in shaping a gurl's personality, yes its a female name, a male name for this generic name would have been Nihit, which initially my father had decided if i were born a boy. now, Nihita comes from a simple sanskrit word NIHIT,literal meaning : "contained with..for eg, sugar is contained with sweetness, Sugar is nihit with sweetness, and thus converted to Nihita to gendarise it fr a female's name.. so basically, its a person who is contained with, that may be with many qualities, (at least is not an empty bowl) so symbolically fullness/contained with is lucky,or sel-weightedness,or one who can offer to other,or share,or continue adding with the already full entity..basically, its a good and simple and all of the above a unique name.

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