Statistics and meaning of name Kalotay

Usage: 9% firstname, 91% surname.
Kalotay first name was found 3 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Hungary)
Surname Kalotay is used at least 28 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 考洛陶伊 (pinyin: kǎo Luò táo yī)

      Surname Kalotay
Given names
Gabor Kalotay (3)
Elisabeth Kalotay (1)
Benjamin Kalotay (1)
Balint Kalotay (1)
Zoltanne Kalotay (1)
Istvanne Kalotay (1)
Laszlone Kalotay (1)
Bela Kalotay (1)

Family names
Kalotay Fabianne (2)

Surname Kalotay in Hungary   Surname Kalotay in Switzerland   Surname Kalotay in USA   

Kalotay reversed is Yatolak
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Otakyal Kaolyta Tylokaa Yakloat Aytkola Oakylat
Misspells: Kolotay Kalotai Kalotaya Klaotay Kalotya Kaloaty

Rhymes: mainstay outstay overstay stay candollei angolais

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Kalman Kalotay says: Kalotay is a Hungarian geographical family name. It means “from Kalota”. An “i” or a “y” at the end of the name means that the family is from that particular geographic location. The Kalota region (Kalotaszeg in Hungarian, Țara Călatei in Romanian) lies west of Cluj-Napoca, and was part of the former Kingdom of Hungary until 1920, when it was attached to Romania. It continues to have a sizeable Hungarian ethnic minority. The origins of the regional denomination Kalota (which exists also in other versions such as Kalata or Kalatha) are unknown. It might perhaps be related to the name of an ancient person or even the ancient Celts (called Galátai by the Greeks).

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Australia United Kingdom Hungary Germany Thailand Mauritius Italy Vietnam


Famous people: Andrew Kalotay

Writers: Dapne Kalotay, DAPHNE KALOTAY, Andrew J. Kalotay

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