Statistics and meaning of name Jalizada

We have no records about Jalizada being used as firstname.
Surname Jalizada is used at least 7 times in at least 1 countries. (Sweden)

Given names
Lara Jalizada (2)
Naz Jalizada (2)
Nazanin Jalizada (1)
Nabaz Jalizada (1)
Merivan Jalizada (1)

Jalizada reversed is Adazilaj
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ijlaazda Dliazaaj Azjildaa
Misspells: Jolizada Jalyzada Jaljzada Ializada Jalezada Jalizadaa Jlaizada Jalizaad Jalizdaa

Rhymes: Canada Dada Estrada Granada Grenada Kannada Masada armada regatta sonata cantata desiderata

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Shene Jalizada says: Jalizada is a family name commonly used in Koya, Kurdistan, Iraq as this is where the name descended from. The ancestors of the Jalizada family used to live in Jali, Kurdistan, Iraq which is why the descendants were later named jalizada.

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