Statistics and meaning of name Bhagavati

Usage: 82% firstname, 18% surname.
Bhagavati first name was found 43 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Bhagavati is used at least 9 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Hindi.

      Surname Bhagavati
Given names
Hema Bhagavati (1)

Given name Bhagavati
Family names
Bhagavati Valand (2)

Surname Bhagavati in USA   

Bhagavati reversed is Itavagahb
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Aihgatvab Avitagbah Agbathiva
Misspells: Bhogavati Bhagavaty Bhagabati Bhagavatj Bhagavate Bhagavatia Bahgavati Bhagavait Bhagavtai

Rhymes: Amati Cincinnati Gujarati Illuminati Kiribati Maserati literati chocolaty pizzicati platy obbligati staccati

Meaning of name Bhagavati is: Nature and Self Conjoined
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States India Canada Thailand Netherlands


Famous people: Bijoy Chandra Bhagavati

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