Statistics and meaning of name Kocher

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Kocher first name was found 191 times in 9 different countries.
Surname Kocher is used at least 7075 times in at least 32 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科赫尔 (pinyin: kē hè ěr)

      Surname Kocher
Given names
Peter Kocher (34)
Hans Kocher (27)
Robert Kocher (19)
Martin Kocher (19)
Johann Kocher (19)
Walter Kocher (18)
Christian Kocher (17)
Josef Kocher (17)
Gerhard Kocher (17)
Michael Kocher (15)
Rudolf Kocher (15)
Paul Kocher (14)
Ernst Kocher (14)
Heinz Kocher (14)
Richard Kocher (14)
Daniel Kocher (14)
Roland Kocher (13)
Wolfgang Kocher (13)
Karl Kocher (13)
Franz Kocher (13)
Thomas Kocher (13)
Markus Kocher (13)
Klaus Kocher (13)
Werner Kocher (13)
Fritz Kocher (12)
Andre Kocher (12)
Bernard Kocher (12)
Bruno Kocher (11)
Erich Kocher (11)
Pierre Kocher (11)
Ursula Kocher (11)
Rolf Kocher (11)
Kurt Kocher (11)
Joseph Kocher (11)
Maria Kocher (10)
Yvonne Kocher (9)
Elisabeth Kocher (9)
Otto Kocher (9)
Philippe Kocher (9)
Herbert Kocher (9)
Helga Kocher (9)
Marianne Kocher (8)
Barbara Kocher (8)
Erwin Kocher (8)
Bernhard Kocher (8)
Anna Kocher (8)
Andreas Kocher (8)
Ingrid Kocher (7)
Charles Kocher (7)
Gilbert Kocher (7)
Margrit Kocher (7)
Rene Kocher (7)
Anton Kocher (7)
Brigitte Kocher (7)
Manfred Kocher (6)
Friedrich Kocher (6)
Stephan Kocher (6)
Jakob Kocher (6)
Christa Kocher (6)
Edith Kocher (6)
Alois Kocher (6)
Norbert Kocher (6)
Francois Kocher (6)
Patrick Kocher (6)
Claudia Kocher (6)
John Kocher (6)
Christine Kocher (6)
Sandra Kocher (6)
Pascal Kocher (6)
Rosmarie Kocher (5)
Monika Kocher (5)
Gerard Kocher (5)
Eva Kocher (5)
Yves Kocher (5)
Francis Kocher (5)
Andrea Kocher (5)
Leopold Kocher (5)
Ingeborg Kocher (5)
Heinrich Kocher (5)
James Kocher (5)
Irene Kocher (5)
Georg Kocher (5)
Eric Kocher (5)
Helmut Kocher (5)
Isabelle Kocher (5)
Max Kocher (5)
Marie Kocher (5)
Roger Kocher (5)
Erika Kocher (5)
Gerald Kocher (5)
Raymond Kocher (5)
Antoine Kocher (5)
Sophie Kocher (5)
Renate Kocher (5)
David Kocher (5)
Dominique Kocher (5)
Alfred Kocher (5)
Katharina Kocher (5)
Claude Kocher (4)
Christel Kocher (4)
Franziska Kocher (4)
Stephane Kocher (4)
Christina Kocher (4)
Therese Kocher (4)
Maryse Kocher (4)
Elfriede Kocher (4)
Alexander Kocher (4)
Laurent Kocher (4)
Johanna Kocher (4)
Marc Kocher (4)
Marcel Kocher (4)
Horst Kocher (4)
Doris Kocher (4)
Michaela Kocher (4)
Arthur Kocher (4)
Willy Kocher (4)
Harry Kocher (4)
Ralph Kocher (4)
Emma Kocher (4)
Jan Kocher (4)
Jean Kocher (4)
Mark Kocher (4)
Beat Kocher (4)
Olivier Kocher (3)
Dominik Kocher (3)
Jasmina Kocher (3)
Leonhard Kocher (3)
Ruth Kocher (3)
Steffen Kocher (3)
Stefan Kocher (3)
Raphael Kocher (3)
Nicolas Kocher (3)
Ian Kocher (3)
Tobias Kocher (3)
Johannes Kocher (3)
Isabella Kocher (3)
Matthias Kocher (3)
Hildegard Kocher (3)
Marguerite Kocher (3)
Heidi Kocher (3)
Lauren Kocher (3)
Stephanie Kocher (3)
Bettina Kocher (3)
Charlotte Kocher (3)
Gertrude Kocher (3)
Frederic Kocher (3)
Anita Kocher (3)
Michel Kocher (3)
Nicole Kocher (3)
Ralf Kocher (3)
Mathilde Kocher (3)
Hanspeter Kocher (3)
Hugo Kocher (3)
Urs Kocher (3)
Thierry Kocher (3)
Ida Kocher (3)
Liselotte Kocher (3)
Serge Kocher (3)
Frank Kocher (3)
Tanja Kocher (3)
Verena Kocher (3)
Denise Kocher (3)
Hedi Kocher (3)
Anneliese Kocher (3)
Christoph Kocher (3)
Ludwig Kocher (3)
Karin Kocher (3)
Bernd Kocher (3)
Florent Kocher (3)
Christiane Kocher (3)
Paula Kocher (3)
Stefanie Kocher (3)
Alain Kocher (3)
Christophe Kocher (3)
Damien Kocher (3)
Denis Kocher (3)
Lorenz Kocher (3)
Julien Kocher (3)
Georges Kocher (3)
Arnold Kocher (3)
Carina Kocher (3)
Dirk Kocher (3)
Inge Kocher (3)
Mathias Kocher (3)
Petra Kocher (3)
Germain Kocher (3)
Rosa Kocher (2)
Gertrud Kocher (2)
Martha Kocher (2)
Cristina Kocher (2)
Ellen Kocher (2)
Adolf Kocher (2)
Alwin Kocher (2)
Vanessa Kocher (2)
Renato Kocher (2)
Ina Kocher (2)
Ilse Kocher (2)
Jiri Kocher (2)
Fred Kocher (2)
Edeltraud Kocher (2)

Given name Kocher
Family names
Kocher Gilli (1)
Kocher Abdul (1)
Kocher Kaki (1)
Kocher Koshnaw (1)
Kocher Sabina (1)
Kocher Naif (1)
Kocher Osman (1)
Kocher Reber (1)
Kocher Omar (1)
Kocher Michael (1)
Kocher Renate (1)
Kocher Mohammed (1)
Kocher Khourshid (1)

Surname Kocher in Austria   Surname Kocher in France   Surname Kocher in Germany   Surname Kocher in Italy   Surname Kocher in Poland   
Surname Kocher in Switzerland   Surname Kocher in USA   

Kocher reversed is Rehcok
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Roheck Ckoehr Kcoerh Ockerh
Misspells: Kochel Kocherr Kochera Kcoher Kochre Kocehr

Rhymes: Durocher moocher ocher Beecher Blucher Escher water daughter pauper tauter broader

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Germany France Austria Spain United Kingdom Sweden Canada India Poland Latvia Australia Russian Federation Denmark Hungary Finland Belgium Thailand Italy China Trinidad and Tobago Portugal Europe Luxembourg New Zealand Jordan


Old Wiki
Name: Kocher
Gender: Unknown Gender
Origin: Europe
Language: German
Thematic: Unknown Thematic
Meaning: The Kocher surname is derived from the latin word "coquus," which denotes the "art of cookery". Kocher was originally the occupational name for a cook.
to all the Kocher clan, this is for you.

Spelling Variations include Koch, Koche,Kochen, Koech,Koeche,Koechen, Coch, Coche, Cochen, Coeche, Coechen, Koeckle, Koechly(Swiss), Koechli (Swiss), Kock, Kochs, Kocks and many more.
First found in Bavaria, where the family made a considerable contribution to the feudal society which shaped moddern Europe.

Famous people: Zina Kocher, Paul Carl Kocher, Martina Kocher, Brad ley Wilson Kocher, Ken Kocher, Fritz Kocher, Ruth Ellen Kocher

Writers: Sandra Kocher, Mininder Kocher, Theodor Kocher, Ursula Kocher, Conrad Kocher, Hans Kocher, Gary Kocher, Suzanne Kocher, Kevin Kocher, Eric Kocher, Frank Kocher, Dirk Kocher, William M. Kocher, Martin Georg Kocher, Urs Josef Kocher, Mininder Kocher MD, Paul Harold Kocher, Marjorie B. Kocher, Ruth Ellen Kocher, Thomas D. Kocher

Books: "Theodor Kocher" "Kocher-Jagst-Radweg"

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