Statistics and meaning of name Yotov

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Yotov first name was found 2 times in 2 different countries. (USA,UK)
Surname Yotov is used at least 49 times in at least 11 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 约托夫 (pinyin: yāo tuō fū)

      Surname Yotov
Given names
Yotko Yotov (2)
Susanne Yotov (1)
Iskren Yotov (1)
Yuriy Yotov (1)
Yordan Yotov (1)
Stanislav Yotov (1)
Stefan Yotov (1)
Marin Yotov (1)
Hristo Yotov (1)
Ivo Yotov (1)
Severina Yotov (1)
Nikolai Yotov (1)
Ivan Yotov (1)
Georgi Yotov (1)
Cosmina Yotov (1)
Christo Yotov (1)
Lyuben Yotov (1)
Nikolay Yotov (1)
Pierre Yotov (1)
Vladimir Yotov (1)
Valko Yotov (1)
Petko Yotov (1)
Yoto Yotov (1)

Family names
Yotov Georgi (1)

Surname Yotov in France   Surname Yotov in USA   

Yotov reversed is Votoy
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Yotvo Ovtoy Votoy Toovy Ytovo
Misspells: Iotov Yotob Yotova Ytoov Yotvo Yootv

Rhymes: Molotov Rostov Saratov cough prof boss pas posh

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Wagner says: The family name Yotov almost automatically means that the bearer of the name is of ethnic Bulgarian origin. In Bulgaria, it was, and still is, a standard practice to form family names (even nowadays, in the 21st century) by taking the first name of the newborn’s grandfather, and adding to it the suffix “-ov” (for a male) or “-ova” (for a female). So, a newborn boy whose grandfather (usually his paternal grandfather) is named Yoto, could be assigned (at birth) the family name “Yotov”, while a newborn granddaughter of the same Yoto could have as a family name “Yotova” (this is very similar to how the personal name John became the family name Johnson). As for the name Yoto as a first name, it is of Greek origin, with two possible sources: (a) from Panayotis (“all-holly”), short form Yotis, both very typical Greek names, or (b) from Ioannis, variation Yoannis, itself from the Hebrew name Yochanan meaning "Yahweh is gracious" (“god is gracious”). Most Greek names, such as Yotis, Yoannis, Georgios, when used in Bulgaria, lose their “-is” an “-ios” endings, which may become replaced by a single vowel (or nothing at all), and thus become Yoto, Yoan, Georgi etc.
Wagner Yotov says: Yotov is a quite common Bulgarian family name, it is not a Russian family name as suggested in your graph. The family name Yotov and the corresponding first name Yoto come from the Greek name Panayotis "Παν" (all) "άγιος" (holy or saint)and the suffix "-της" (which can mean "of the"). Yoto is therefore a short version of Panayotis, although there is a differing opinion on the subject, some scholars consider Yoto to be derived from Ivan-Yoan(Joan). If you want more confusion, "Yota" is also the name of one vowel, a character in the Greek alphabet; and in Japan, Yota is a baby boy name, meaning "big sunshine", although the Bulgarian name Yoto does not have its origins in the Japanese name Yota.

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Famous people: Tsvetan Nikolov Yotov, Yoto Vasilev Yotov, Velko Nikolaev Yotov

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