Statistics and meaning of name Welsh

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Welsh first name was found 990 times in 10 different countries.
Surname Welsh is used at least 29307 times in at least 40 countries.
Origin of this name is English.
Name written with Chinese letters: 韦尔什 (pinyin: wéi ěr shén)

      Surname Welsh
Given names
David Welsh (67)
John Welsh (59)
James Welsh (55)
Andrew Welsh (49)
Adam Welsh (37)
Brian Welsh (36)
Alan Welsh (28)
Christopher Welsh (28)
Daniel Welsh (28)
Elizabeth Welsh (27)
Robert Welsh (26)
Anthony Welsh (25)
Michael Welsh (25)
George Welsh (24)
Ann Welsh (23)
Amanda Welsh (21)
Peter Welsh (21)
Ian Welsh (19)
Anne Welsh (18)
Alison Welsh (17)
Angela Welsh (17)
Charles Welsh (17)
Paul Welsh (16)
Frank Welsh (16)
Jacqueline Welsh (15)
Barbara Welsh (15)
Gary Welsh (15)
Kenneth Welsh (15)
Colin Welsh (14)
Carol Welsh (14)
Alexander Welsh (14)
Martin Welsh (13)
Richard Welsh (13)
Amy Welsh (13)
Donald Welsh (13)
Roger Welsh (12)
Jane Welsh (12)
Adrian Welsh (12)
William Welsh (12)
Joseph Welsh (12)
Jennifer Welsh (12)
Caroline Welsh (12)
Helen Welsh (12)
Don Welsh (11)
Albert Welsh (11)
Jim Welsh (11)
Glen Welsh (11)
Catherine Welsh (11)
Emma Welsh (11)
Donna Welsh (11)
Andrea Welsh (11)
Mark Welsh (11)
Aaron Welsh (11)
Lawrence Welsh (10)
Joanne Welsh (10)
Patricia Welsh (10)
Steven Welsh (10)
Karen Welsh (10)
Wayne Welsh (10)
Anna Welsh (10)
Brenda Welsh (10)
Claire Welsh (10)
Jack Welsh (10)
Christine Welsh (9)
Craig Welsh (9)
Abigail Welsh (9)
Chris Welsh (9)
Graham Welsh (9)
Deborah Welsh (8)
Ken Welsh (8)
Barry Welsh (8)
Darren Welsh (8)
Hannah Welsh (8)
Dennis Welsh (8)
Laura Welsh (8)
Harry Welsh (8)
Stephen Welsh (8)
Frederick Welsh (8)
Thomas Welsh (8)
Charlotte Welsh (8)
Alexandra Welsh (8)
Michelle Welsh (8)
Carl Welsh (8)
Harold Welsh (7)
Keith Welsh (7)
Edward Welsh (7)
Jason Welsh (7)
Clare Welsh (7)
Alex Welsh (7)
Doug Welsh (7)
Shirley Welsh (7)
Henry Welsh (7)
Colleen Welsh (7)
Allan Welsh (7)
Larry Welsh (7)
Sarah Welsh (7)
Julie Welsh (6)
Fiona Welsh (6)
Dorothy Welsh (6)
Glenn Welsh (6)
Kelly Welsh (6)
Audrey Welsh (6)
Joan Welsh (6)
Bernard Welsh (6)
Agnes Welsh (6)
Kevin Welsh (6)
Patrick Welsh (6)
Jonathan Welsh (6)
Irene Welsh (6)
Gordon Welsh (6)
Benjamin Welsh (6)
Alice Welsh (6)
Elaine Welsh (6)
Bob Welsh (6)
Arthur Welsh (6)
Mike Welsh (6)
April Welsh (5)
Gemma Welsh (5)
Matthew Welsh (5)
Jayne Welsh (5)
Ronald Welsh (5)
Beverley Welsh (5)
Beryl Welsh (5)
Carole Welsh (5)
Gareth Welsh (5)
Gerald Welsh (5)
Pauline Welsh (5)
Annie Welsh (5)
Danny Welsh (5)
Adele Welsh (5)
Danielle Welsh (5)
Tom Welsh (5)
Geoffrey Welsh (5)
Derek Welsh (5)
Janet Welsh (5)
Dan Welsh (5)
June Welsh (5)
Dawn Welsh (5)
Annette Welsh (5)
Darrell Welsh (5)
Terry Welsh (5)
Christian Welsh (5)
Eileen Welsh (5)
Cindy Welsh (4)
Jerry Welsh (4)
Pat Welsh (4)
Roy Welsh (4)
Rachel Welsh (4)
Leslie Welsh (4)
Neil Welsh (4)
Tim Welsh (4)
Betty Welsh (4)
Jean Welsh (4)
Debbie Welsh (4)
Emily Welsh (4)
Rita Welsh (4)
Francis Welsh (4)
Carla Welsh (4)
Linda Welsh (4)
Tracey Welsh (4)
Gerry Welsh (4)
Dean Welsh (4)
Bridget Welsh (4)
Claude Welsh (4)
Lee Welsh (4)
Alyson Welsh (4)
Suzanne Welsh (4)
Edna Welsh (4)
Katie Welsh (4)
Ernest Welsh (4)
Kathleen Welsh (4)
Gavin Welsh (4)
Julia Welsh (4)
Norman Welsh (4)
Samantha Welsh (4)
Wendy Welsh (4)
Louise Welsh (4)
Bill Welsh (4)
Nicola Welsh (4)
Scott Welsh (4)
Justin Welsh (4)
Bernadette Welsh (4)
Marie Welsh (4)
Rebecca Welsh (4)
Robin Welsh (4)
Antony Welsh (4)
Harvey Welsh (4)
Allison Welsh (3)
Karl Welsh (3)
Cyril Welsh (3)
Alistair Welsh (3)
Alana Welsh (3)
Gaynor Welsh (3)
Alun Welsh (3)
Jamie Welsh (3)
Hayley Welsh (3)
Heidi Welsh (3)
Freda Welsh (3)
Bryan Welsh (3)
Geo Welsh (3)

Given name Welsh
Family names
Welsh Simone (1)
Welsh Sandonato (1)
Welsh Danielle (1)
Welsh Henderson (1)

Surname Welsh in Austria   Surname Welsh in France   Surname Welsh in Italy   Surname Welsh in Netherlands   Surname Welsh in Norway   
Surname Welsh in Switzerland   Surname Welsh in USA   

Welsh reversed is Hslew
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Hwesl Wlehs
Misspells: Welssh Vvelsh Welsha Wlesh Welhs Weslh

Rhymes: Walsh weld welled help felt held

Meaning of name Welsh is: Celt, foreigner
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France United Kingdom Germany Ireland Saudi Arabia India Denmark South Africa Thailand Philippines United Arab Emirates Costa Rica Hong Kong Australia Bangladesh Malaysia Switzerland Canada Spain Norway Russian Federation China Vietnam


Famous people: Stanley Larson Welsh, Irvine Welsh

Writers: Mark Welsh, Robin Welsh, Victoria Welsh, Shepherd Welsh, Frances Welsh, Lionel Welsh, Carson Welsh, Virginia Welsh, Welsh Office, Renate Welsh, Perdi Welsh, Clement Welsh, Sandy Welsh, Marion Welsh, Thea Welsh, Lindsay Welsh, Doug Welsh, Thomas Welsh, Cassie Welsh, Welsh John

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