Statistics and meaning of name Peres

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Peres first name was found 235 times in 21 different countries.
Surname Peres is used at least 11875 times in at least 45 countries.
Gender of firstname Peres is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 佩列斯 (pinyin: pèi liè sī)

      Surname Peres
Given names
Maria Peres (91)
Jose Peres (61)
Antonio Peres (43)
Jean Peres (37)
Michel Peres (35)
Pierre Peres (31)
Andre Peres (29)
Ana Peres (26)
Philippe Peres (25)
Manuel Peres (23)
Joao Peres (22)
Jacques Peres (21)
Christian Peres (21)
Alain Peres (20)
Rene Peres (20)
Laurent Peres (20)
Claude Peres (20)
Daniel Peres (18)
Francois Peres (18)
Robert Peres (18)
Ioan Peres (17)
Christophe Peres (17)
Patrick Peres (17)
Bruno Peres (16)
Francisco Peres (15)
Joel Peres (15)
Yves Peres (14)
Henri Peres (14)
Thierry Peres (14)
Carlos Peres (13)
Joseph Peres (13)
Roger Peres (13)
Alexandre Peres (13)
Dominique Peres (13)
Eric Peres (12)
Georges Peres (12)
Gilbert Peres (12)
Gerard Peres (11)
Monique Peres (11)
Luis Peres (11)
Stephane Peres (11)
Serge Peres (11)
Fernando Peres (11)
Vincent Peres (11)
Frederic Peres (10)
Patricia Peres (10)
Christine Peres (10)
Anna Peres (10)
Olivier Peres (10)
Vasile Peres (10)
Paul Peres (10)
Gheorghe Peres (10)
Pascale Peres (10)
Bernard Peres (10)
Valerie Peres (10)
Guy Peres (9)
Veronique Peres (9)
Chantal Peres (9)
Raymond Peres (9)
Pascal Peres (9)
Sylvie Peres (9)
Francoise Peres (9)
Isabelle Peres (9)
Julien Peres (9)
Denis Peres (9)
Anne Peres (8)
Jeanne Peres (8)
Fabienne Peres (8)
Albert Peres (8)
Catherine Peres (8)
Annie Peres (8)
Michele Peres (8)
Jorge Peres (8)
Sebastien Peres (8)
Renee Peres (7)
Sandrine Peres (7)
Maurice Peres (7)
Mario Peres (7)
Jeannine Peres (7)
Jerome Peres (7)
Madeleine Peres (7)
Odette Peres (7)
Celine Peres (7)
Giuseppe Peres (7)
Marie Peres (7)
Vincenzo Peres (7)
Genevieve Peres (7)
Marc Peres (7)
Marcel Peres (7)
Antoine Peres (6)
Jacqueline Peres (6)
Zoltan Peres (6)
Isabel Peres (6)
Elisabeth Peres (6)
Sophie Peres (6)
Charles Peres (6)
Yvette Peres (6)
Christelle Peres (6)
Giorgio Peres (6)
Louis Peres (6)
Alexandru Peres (6)
Michael Peres (6)
Danielle Peres (6)
David Peres (6)
Nicole Peres (6)
Juan Peres (6)
Vitor Peres (6)
Adriano Peres (6)
Beatrice Peres (6)
Martine Peres (6)
Paula Peres (5)
Sandra Peres (5)
Lucien Peres (5)
Luc Peres (5)
Claudine Peres (5)
Simone Peres (5)
Nuno Peres (5)
Didier Peres (5)
Elodie Peres (5)
Victor Peres (5)
Gilles Peres (5)
Benjamin Peres (5)
Marlene Peres (5)
Aurelie Peres (5)
Andras Peres (5)
Roberto Peres (5)
Josette Peres (5)
Adozinda Peres (5)
Herve Peres (5)
Adrien Peres (5)
Laura Peres (5)
Emil Peres (5)
Eduardo Peres (5)
Gabriel Peres (5)
Valter Peres (5)
Julia Peres (5)
Rosa Peres (5)
Miguel Peres (5)
Brigitte Peres (5)
Corinne Peres (5)
Rui Peres (5)
Guillaume Peres (4)
Gisele Peres (4)
Audrey Peres (4)
Sonia Peres (4)
Colette Peres (4)
Giovanni Peres (4)
Alessandro Peres (4)
Lucia Peres (4)
Yann Peres (4)
Richard Peres (4)
Rolande Peres (4)
Joaquim Peres (4)
Germaine Peres (4)
Hubert Peres (4)
Sandor Peres (4)
Francis Peres (4)
Yvonne Peres (4)
Josiane Peres (4)
Karine Peres (4)
Florian Peres (4)
Claire Peres (4)
Nicolas Peres (4)
Patrice Peres (4)
Nadine Peres (4)
Franck Peres (4)
Carmen Peres (4)
Bernadette Peres (4)
Caroline Peres (4)
Nicolae Peres (4)
Stefan Peres (4)
Marine Peres (4)
Helene Peres (4)
Rita Peres (4)
Renato Peres (4)
Pedro Peres (4)
Regine Peres (4)
Armelle Peres (4)
Emma Peres (4)
Huguette Peres (4)
Alberto Peres (4)
Thomas Peres (4)
Michelle Peres (4)
Olivia Peres (4)
Laetitia Peres (4)
Teresa Peres (4)
Cecile Peres (4)
Loic Peres (4)
Cedric Peres (4)
Benoit Peres (4)
Cindy Peres (4)
Claudia Peres (4)
Abilio Peres (3)
Yannick Peres (3)
Fabien Peres (3)
Sabine Peres (3)
Nicola Peres (3)
Flaviano Peres (3)
Fernand Peres (3)
Angel Peres (3)

Given name Peres
Family names
Peres Attia (3)
Peres Partouche (2)
Peres Sebban (2)
Peres Balouka (2)
Peres Gomes (2)
Peres Mahamad (2)
Peres Sellam (2)
Peres Marco (2)
Peres Hartvig (2)
Peres Ouazane (1)
Peres Muriel (1)
Peres Leberecht (1)
Peres Akrawi (1)
Peres Silvano (1)
Peres Ouazan (1)
Peres Layani (1)
Peres Desvaux (1)
Peres Hedwat (1)
Peres Damaris (1)
Peres Alcazar (1)
Peres Jean (1)
Peres Irachande (1)
Peres Cleyton (1)
Peres Diallo (1)
Peres Reyes (1)
Peres Were (1)
Peres Ohanya (1)
Peres Karalou (1)

Surname Peres in France   Surname Peres in Germany   Surname Peres in Hungary   Surname Peres in Italy   Surname Peres in Norway   
Surname Peres in Switzerland   Surname Peres in USA   

Peres reversed is Serep
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Perse Esrep Speer Peesr Peers Serep Reesp Prese
Misspells: Peles Perres Peress Peresa Prees Perse Peers

Rhymes: Ceres DeGeneres Gruyeres adheres amperes anywheres atmospheres dwelleth fezes derrieres stairwells airfares

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Georgy Persky says: Persky - Peres???

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil France Germany Luxembourg Portugal Argentina United Kingdom Ukraine Netherlands Saudi Arabia Spain Italy Canada Thailand Poland Egypt Switzerland Mexico Sweden Algeria Suriname Malaysia India Europe Kuwait Namibia Japan Australia Belgium Syrian Arab Republic Lebanon Denmark Romania Angola Russian Federation Austria Hungary South Africa United Arab Emirates Czech Republic Greece Bangladesh


Old Wiki
Name: peres
Gender: Unknown Gender
Origin: Europe
Language: French
Thematic: Unknown Thematic

Famous people: Waldir Peres, Fernando Peres da Silva, Marinho Peres, Melanie Mariam Thanee Frasch, Yuval Peres

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