Statistics and meaning of name Nkolika

Usage: 94% firstname, 6% surname.
Nkolika first name was found 33 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Nkolika is used at least 2 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Nigeria)


Given name Nkolika
Family names
Nkolika Umunna (2)
Nkolika Egbosimba (2)
Nkolika Roach (1)
Nkolika Ezeh (1)
Nkolika Anyabolu (1)

Nkolika reversed is Akilokn
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Nokalki Liokkan Liknako Koalkin Aknolki Akkioln Kainlok
Misspells: Nkoliko Nkolyka Nkoljka Nkoleka Nkolikaa Noklika Nkoliak Nkolkia

Rhymes: Erika Tamika Tanganyika balalaika paprika swastika troika

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Ngini Joseph Chukwunonso says: The name Nkolika is an Igbo name. Its origin is from the Igboid dialect of the Ezechima's (Onitsha) clan in Anambra state, Southeastern Nigeria. The name Nkolika to the Onitsha people means 'Tesimony' (Iko akiko oluoma). In other words, it meaning literally is - 'It is best to testify'. This name is one of the clear evidences that the Igbo people are highly religious as evident in their style of naming as in this one, parents must give testimony of God's worderful works in creation and the birth of a new child. Nkolika or as it is sometimes written and pronounced Nkoli; is a feminine name which is mostly christianed to baby girls in Anambra State but predominantly, babies from Onitsha. The name is rare in other Igbo speaking states like Imo, Enugu, Abia, Ebonyi, Delta and Rivers. The Nollywood movie - Nkoli Nwanssuka is a potrayal of the name as of Igbo in origin, feminine in nature and of Onitsha by root as the movie ended in Onitsha. Although the major character spoke in the Nssuka - Igbo dialect, yet it showed the richness of the movie and the wide popularity it has gathered for the name Nkoli.

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