Statistics and meaning of name Kolb

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Kolb first name was found 389 times in 7 different countries.
Surname Kolb is used at least 17843 times in at least 39 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科尔布 (pinyin: kē ěr bù)

      Surname Kolb
Given names
Peter Kolb (21)
Adolf Kolb (20)
Franz Kolb (18)
Elfriede Kolb (16)
Ernst Kolb (15)
Daniel Kolb (15)
Josef Kolb (15)
Andreas Kolb (14)
Martin Kolb (14)
Walter Kolb (14)
Albert Kolb (13)
Maria Kolb (12)
Johann Kolb (12)
Roland Kolb (12)
Paul Kolb (11)
Robert Kolb (11)
Anton Kolb (11)
Frederic Kolb (11)
Hans Kolb (11)
Christian Kolb (10)
Rudolf Kolb (10)
Thierry Kolb (10)
Werner Kolb (10)
Michel Kolb (10)
Thomas Kolb (10)
Anna Kolb (9)
David Kolb (9)
Roger Kolb (9)
Monika Kolb (9)
Max Kolb (9)
Stefan Kolb (8)
Wolfgang Kolb (8)
Claudia Kolb (8)
Barbara Kolb (8)
Ruth Kolb (8)
Christine Kolb (8)
Andre Kolb (8)
Gerard Kolb (8)
Elisabeth Kolb (8)
Agnes Kolb (8)
Heinz Kolb (7)
Alexander Kolb (7)
Andrea Kolb (7)
Helmut Kolb (7)
Manfred Kolb (7)
Olivier Kolb (7)
Karl Kolb (7)
Laurent Kolb (6)
Kurt Kolb (6)
Francis Kolb (6)
Alfred Kolb (6)
Alois Kolb (6)
Francois Kolb (6)
August Kolb (6)
Silvia Kolb (6)
Christophe Kolb (6)
Artur Kolb (5)
Yvonne Kolb (5)
Herbert Kolb (5)
Pierre Kolb (5)
Johannes Kolb (5)
Ferdinand Kolb (5)
Michael Kolb (5)
Markus Kolb (5)
Heidi Kolb (5)
Eric Kolb (5)
Erwin Kolb (5)
Hermann Kolb (5)
Patrick Kolb (5)
Georges Kolb (5)
Helga Kolb (5)
Marcel Kolb (5)
Brigitte Kolb (5)
Bernard Kolb (5)
Friedrich Kolb (5)
Alain Kolb (5)
Janos Kolb (5)
Gerhard Kolb (5)
Hubert Kolb (5)
Christoph Kolb (5)
Christina Kolb (4)
Bernhard Kolb (4)
Edith Kolb (4)
Emil Kolb (4)
Josefa Kolb (4)
Klaus Kolb (4)
Didier Kolb (4)
Ingetraut Kolb (4)
Ida Kolb (4)
Gottfried Kolb (4)
Gerlinde Kolb (4)
Henri Kolb (4)
Jacques Kolb (4)
Erika Kolb (4)
John Kolb (4)
Charles Kolb (4)
Jerome Kolb (4)
Madeleine Kolb (4)
Claire Kolb (4)
Raymond Kolb (4)
Cornelia Kolb (4)
Daniela Kolb (4)
Philippe Kolb (4)
Otto Kolb (4)
Sandra Kolb (4)
Adam Kolb (4)
Sebastien Kolb (4)
Achim Kolb (4)
Sandrine Kolb (4)
Xaver Kolb (4)
Alexandra Kolb (4)
Eduard Kolb (4)
Susanne Kolb (4)
Martine Kolb (4)
Anita Kolb (4)
Marioara Kolb (4)
Gunter Kolb (3)
Jacqueline Kolb (3)
Stephane Kolb (3)
Hermine Kolb (3)
Inge Kolb (3)
Florian Kolb (3)
Beatrice Kolb (3)
Monique Kolb (3)
Aurelie Kolb (3)
Evelyn Kolb (3)
Gilles Kolb (3)
Helene Kolb (3)
Evelyne Kolb (3)
Erna Kolb (3)
Gabriel Kolb (3)
Juliette Kolb (3)
Christof Kolb (3)
Eleonore Kolb (3)
Annemarie Kolb (3)
Louis Kolb (3)
Ingeborg Kolb (3)
Marc Kolb (3)
Mathieu Kolb (3)
Jeanne Kolb (3)
Nelly Kolb (3)
Francoise Kolb (3)
Rene Kolb (3)
Nathalie Kolb (3)
Bruce Kolb (3)
Jean Kolb (3)
Margrit Kolb (3)
Serge Kolb (3)
Urs Kolb (3)
Mario Kolb (3)
Mathias Kolb (3)
Oswald Kolb (3)
Christiane Kolb (3)
Marianne Kolb (3)
Margot Kolb (3)
Simon Kolb (3)
Sigrid Kolb (3)
Sarah Kolb (3)
Renate Kolb (3)
Roman Kolb (3)
Sascha Kolb (3)
Norbert Kolb (3)
Adalbert Kolb (3)
Benjamin Kolb (3)
Dieter Kolb (3)
Doris Kolb (3)
Richard Kolb (3)
Sonja Kolb (3)
Wilhelm Kolb (3)
Margarete Kolb (3)
Rainer Kolb (3)
Anne Kolb (3)
Leopold Kolb (3)
Karin Kolb (3)
Jakob Kolb (3)
Fritz Kolb (3)
Regina Kolb (3)
Ulrike Kolb (2)
Gerda Kolb (2)
Yvette Kolb (2)
Rinaldo Kolb (2)
Michaela Kolb (2)
Sophie Kolb (2)
Elsa Kolb (2)
Oskar Kolb (2)
Rolf Kolb (2)
Brigitta Kolb (2)
Liselotte Kolb (2)
Bettina Kolb (2)
Joachim Kolb (2)
Sylvie Kolb (2)
Renata Kolb (2)
Adrian Kolb (2)
Huguette Kolb (2)
Stephanie Kolb (2)
Andree Kolb (2)
Ingrid Kolb (2)
Optik Kolb (2)
Ingenieur Kolb (2)
Georg Kolb (2)

Given name Kolb
Family names
Kolb Petra (1)
Kolb Tobias (1)
Kolb Vargane (1)
Kolb Roland (1)
Kolb Karl (1)
Kolb Friedrich (1)
Kolb Mathieu (1)
Kolb Educarea (1)
Kolb Franz (1)
Kolb Alwin (1)

Surname Kolb in Austria   Surname Kolb in Croatia   Surname Kolb in France   Surname Kolb in Germany   Surname Kolb in Hungary   
Surname Kolb in Italy   Surname Kolb in Netherlands   Surname Kolb in Poland   Surname Kolb in Switzerland   Surname Kolb in USA   

Kolb reversed is Blok
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Kobl Klob Blok Bolk
Misspells: Kolba Klob Kobl

Rhymes: cold gold colt told hold

Meaning of this name is unknown.

H Kolb says: I once heard that the name comes from "Kolben" which is a German word for "mace", a weapon of robber-knights.
Christi Kolb says: We pronounce it like cob. And we’re from Alabama.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany France Switzerland Austria Syrian Arab Republic United Kingdom Ukraine Sweden Australia Thailand Netherlands New Zealand Italy Poland Namibia Spain Malaysia Ireland Lebanon Nigeria Nepal Hong Kong India Anonymous Proxy Norway Croatia Mexico Brazil Japan


Famous people: Dan iel Lee Kolb, Jovica Kolb, Clarence William Kolb, Annette Kolb, Claudia Anne Kolb

Writers: Jason Kolb, Alice Kolb, Tony Kolbe, Elene Kolb, Arno Kolb, Katherine Kolb, Ulrike Kolb, Jocelyne Kolb, Hartmut Kolbe, Robert Kolbe, Seba Kolb, Joe Kolb, Pam Kolbe, Marianne Kolb, Chris Kolb, Diane Kolb, Gunter Kolb, Gustav Kolb, Helga Kolb, Brian Kolb

Books: "Maximillian Kolbe" "Fritz Kolbe." "Maximilian Kolbe: no greater love" "Maximilien Kolbe (French Edition)" "Kolbe, a saint in Auschwitz"

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