Statistics and meaning of name Hulk

Usage: 30% firstname, 70% surname.
Hulk first name was found 59 times in 16 different countries.
Surname Hulk is used at least 136 times in at least 18 countries.
Origin of this name is Unknown.

      Surname Hulk
Given names
Norma Hulk (3)
Reginald Hulk (1)
Ellen Hulk (1)

Given name Hulk

Surname Hulk in USA   

Hulk reversed is Kluh
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Hukl Hluk Kluh Kulh
Misspells: Hulka Hluk Hukl

Rhymes: bulk caulk skulk sulk sunk

Meaning of name Hulk is: Actor and Pro Wrestler Hulk Hogan
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Malaysia India Russian Federation Netherlands Sweden France Austria Poland Philippines Canada Italy Switzerland Luxembourg Hong Kong United Kingdom Norway Denmark South Africa Portugal Greece Romania Brunei Darussalam Israel Taiwan Korea


Writers: Aafke Hulk, A. Hulk, Malcolm Hulke, Hulk Hogan, David Hulks, Hollywood Hulk Hogan

Books: "Incredible Hulk" "Incredible Hulk: Project Ride" "The incredible Hulk" "The Incredible Hulk" "Hulk Annual 2004" "Hulk Misunderstood Monster" "The She-Hulk Diaries" "Planet Hulk Omnibus" "HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN" "Hulk Legends: Nightmerica: 2 (Hulk)" "Hulk: beauty and the behemoth"

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