Statistics and meaning of name Gilkey

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Gilkey first name was found 130 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Gilkey is used at least 2802 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 吉尔基 (pinyin: jí ěr jī)

      Surname Gilkey
Given names
Victoria Gilkey (1)

Surname Gilkey in USA   

Gilkey reversed is Yeklig
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ilkyge Yikelg Lgieky Kylgei Ekygli Ilgeyk
Misspells: Gylkey Gilkei Gjlkey Gelkey Gilkeya Glikey Gilkye Gileky

Rhymes: Jockey Leakey Mickey Rickey Smokey Starkey Turkey milky silky guilty kinky gillie

Meaning of this name is unknown.

A Gilkey says: The name Gilkey was likely originally McGillekear or McGillicutty. Origins are traced to Scotland where it was subsequently shortened to Gilkey when Gilkey's later settled in Ireland. The first Gilkey arrived in the US around 1620 and settled in Maine. Several Gilkeys were Sea Captains. Among them the Union brothers Royal and Welcome Gilkey who commanded a 4 masted ship during the civil war.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Japan


Famous people: Langdon Brown Gilkey , Art , Gordon Waverly Gilkey, Bertha Knox Gilkey, Howard Ellsworth Gilkey, Randy Gilkey

Writers: John Gilkey, Howard Gilkey, Chris Gilkey, Gail Gilkey PT MS, Duane C. Gilkey, Frances Hessel Gilkey, Melissa B. Gilkey, Charles Whitney Gilkey, Helen Margaret Gilkey, Langdon Brown Gilkey, Peter B. Gilkey, Roderick W. Gilkey, Robert H. Gilkey, Susan Nicodemus Gilkey, George R Gilkey

Books: "Gilkey on Tillich"

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