Statistics and meaning of name Eggers

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Eggers first name was found 241 times in 5 different countries.
Surname Eggers is used at least 9071 times in at least 32 countries.
Gender of firstname Eggers is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 埃格斯 (pinyin: āi gé sī)

      Surname Eggers
Given names
Heinz Eggers (37)
Peter Eggers (33)
Horst Eggers (32)
Klaus Eggers (32)
Helmut Eggers (30)
Michael Eggers (29)
Werner Eggers (29)
Dieter Eggers (29)
Heinrich Eggers (26)
Hans Eggers (24)
Uwe Eggers (23)
Walter Eggers (21)
Rolf Eggers (21)
Manfred Eggers (20)
Wolfgang Eggers (20)
Bernd Eggers (20)
Hermann Eggers (20)
Stefan Eggers (19)
Gerhard Eggers (18)
Dirk Eggers (17)
Wilhelm Eggers (17)
Andreas Eggers (16)
Christian Eggers (16)
Frank Eggers (16)
Rainer Eggers (15)
Jens Eggers (15)
Helga Eggers (15)
Ingrid Eggers (14)
Thomas Eggers (14)
Ernst Eggers (13)
Georg Eggers (12)
Karin Eggers (12)
Hartmut Eggers (12)
Martin Eggers (12)
Reinhard Eggers (11)
Joachim Eggers (11)
Johann Eggers (11)
Ursula Eggers (11)
Carsten Eggers (11)
Heiko Eggers (11)
Fritz Eggers (11)
Willi Eggers (10)
Elfriede Eggers (10)
Gerd Eggers (10)
Claus Eggers (10)
Jan Eggers (10)
Ralf Eggers (10)
Holger Eggers (9)
Friedrich Eggers (9)
Herbert Eggers (9)
Detlef Eggers (9)
Erich Eggers (9)
Sabine Eggers (9)
Christa Eggers (8)
Torsten Eggers (8)
Christoph Eggers (8)
Henning Eggers (8)
Brigitte Eggers (8)
Nicole Eggers (8)
Alfred Eggers (8)
Renate Eggers (8)
Monika Eggers (8)
Petra Eggers (8)
Daniel Eggers (7)
Stephan Eggers (7)
Egon Eggers (7)
Gabriele Eggers (7)
Siegfried Eggers (7)
Margarete Eggers (7)
Richard Eggers (7)
Robert Eggers (7)
Wilfried Eggers (7)
Ruth Eggers (7)
Kurt Eggers (7)
Olaf Eggers (7)
Otto Eggers (7)
Gerda Eggers (6)
Rudolf Eggers (6)
Gisela Eggers (6)
Sven Eggers (6)
Hannelore Eggers (6)
Udo Eggers (6)
Albert Eggers (6)
David Eggers (6)
Matthias Eggers (6)
Reiner Eggers (6)
Volker Eggers (6)
Karl Eggers (6)
Thies Eggers (6)
Silvia Eggers (6)
Marion Eggers (6)
Tim Eggers (6)
Elke Eggers (6)
Claudia Eggers (6)
Hildegard Eggers (6)
Lothar Eggers (6)
Lutz Eggers (6)
Maria Eggers (6)
Ute Eggers (6)
Ulrike Eggers (6)
Bernhard Eggers (5)
Elisabeth Eggers (5)
Anja Eggers (5)
Antje Eggers (5)
Heike Eggers (5)
Karen Eggers (5)
Ilse Eggers (5)
Kate Eggers (5)
Erwin Eggers (5)
Marco Eggers (5)
Anne Eggers (5)
Roland Eggers (5)
Norbert Eggers (5)
Ulrich Eggers (5)
Karsten Eggers (5)
Hartwig Eggers (5)
Harald Eggers (5)
Franz Eggers (5)
Fred Eggers (5)
Adolf Eggers (4)
Alexander Eggers (4)
Rita Eggers (4)
Per Eggers (4)
Reimer Eggers (4)
Friedhelm Eggers (4)
Inge Eggers (4)
Jesper Eggers (4)
Malene Eggers (4)
Susanne Eggers (4)
Hanna Eggers (4)
Anneliese Eggers (4)
Kai Eggers (4)
Bruno Eggers (4)
Johannes Eggers (4)
Christel Eggers (4)
Wiebke Eggers (4)
Helene Eggers (4)
Kirsten Eggers (4)
Helmuth Eggers (4)
Manuela Eggers (4)
August Eggers (4)
Barbara Eggers (4)
Angelika Eggers (4)
Florian Eggers (4)
John Eggers (4)
Gustav Eggers (4)
Ian Eggers (4)
Marianne Eggers (4)
Charlotte Eggers (4)
Anita Eggers (4)
Erna Eggers (3)
Sabrina Eggers (3)
Sandra Eggers (3)
Soren Eggers (3)
Eberhard Eggers (3)
Axel Eggers (3)
Gitte Eggers (3)
Andrea Eggers (3)
Paul Eggers (3)
Erika Eggers (3)
Astrid Eggers (3)
Timo Eggers (3)
Heidi Eggers (3)
Rene Eggers (3)
Edith Eggers (3)
Jessica Eggers (3)
Kristina Eggers (3)
Maike Eggers (3)
Silke Eggers (3)
Bastian Eggers (3)
Tom Eggers (3)
Annette Eggers (3)
Julius Eggers (3)
Thorsten Eggers (3)
Michelle Eggers (3)
Martina Eggers (3)
Regina Eggers (3)
Katrin Eggers (3)
Christine Eggers (3)
Jane Eggers (3)
Doris Eggers (3)
Marina Eggers (3)
Anna Eggers (3)
Anke Eggers (3)
Jeanette Eggers (3)
Ralph Eggers (3)
Dorothea Eggers (3)
Bettina Eggers (3)
Roswitha Eggers (3)
Rosemarie Eggers (3)
Irmgard Eggers (3)
Armin Eggers (3)
Bauer Eggers (3)
Mette Eggers (3)
Waltraud Eggers (3)
Fredy Eggers (3)
Dorothee Eggers (3)
Markus Eggers (3)
Camilla Eggers (3)
Dietrich Eggers (2)

Given name Eggers
Family names
Eggers Von (2)
Eggers Patrick (1)
Eggers Philip (1)
Eggers Foighel (1)

Surname Eggers in Austria   Surname Eggers in France   Surname Eggers in Germany   Surname Eggers in Norway   Surname Eggers in Switzerland   
Surname Eggers in USA   

Eggers reversed is Sregge
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Ggeser Sgerge Gegres Ggeesr Esgerg Resegg Ggerse
Misspells: Eggels Eggerrs Eggerss Eggersa Eggesr Eggres

Rhymes: bootleggers braggers buggers carpetbaggers chiggers daggers debuggers beggars checkers errors letters measures

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Coral Eggers says: Eggers comes from Hungary.. There is a town named Egger and if you were from that town...many years ago.. your last name would be Eggers. There is much intermarrying across the German/Hungarian border, so Eggers is Hungarian. I knew a man from Hungary man years ago and he told me all this...
Eggers says: Eggers is a typical name in the north of Germany (Hamburg) and has nothing to do with hungaria. - Working on the field with a harrow (german-egge)is the origian for that name (also eggert)
Tibor says: The name of the Hungarian town is Éger with al long pronounced vowel "é". It has nothing to do with the short pronounced vowel "e" in Eggers. This is pseudo-etymology ;-)

This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Sweden Belgium Australia Ireland Netherlands Austria United Kingdom Denmark France Italy Switzerland India Finland Brazil Hungary Russian Federation Philippines Poland Thailand Croatia Canada South Africa Spain


Famous people: Markus Egger, Dave Eggers, Reinhold Eggers, Elina Elisabeth Eggers, Per Eggers, Kira Eggers

Writers: Ernest Eggers, Mary Eggers, Ulrich Eggers, Ingrid Eggers, Phillip Eggers, Philip Eggers, Sabine Eggers, Christoph Eggers, Reinhold Eggers

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