Statistics and meaning of name Chikwudi

Chikwudi first name was found 7 times in 2 different countries. (USA,UK)
We didn't find anyone with surname Chikwudi.


Family names
Chikwudi Ajudua (3)
Chikwudi Nwokoye (1)
Chikwudi Ihekwereme (1)

Chikwudi reversed is Iduwkihc
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Kcihiwdu Dikuwhic Hikduiwc Iwhidcuk
Misspells: Chykwudi Chikvvudi Chjkwudi Chekwudi Chikwudia Cihkwudi Chikwuid Chikwdui

Rhymes: Audi Saudi picky pixie busy pity chimney

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Chikwudi Ibekwe says: Chikwudi is a name originated from Biafra country in west africa. Chikwudi meaning: God existed. Chikwudi is a vernacular name of Jesmion. Chikwudi Ibekwe, born in Uruagu Umudioka, Anambra state of Biafra. [[chikwudi]] is a notable prophet of God.
JESMION says: Chikwudi is a proper name of (Jesmion) given to Jesmion as Jesmion's vernacular name during seven days of Jesmion's birth; by the parent and Uruagu village in Umudioka town, in Anambra state of Biafra. west africa. Chikwudi originated from Hebos known as Biafra in west africa. the meaning of "chikwudi" is God existed, referring to "Holy Jesmion" the name chikwudi was unanimously named to Holy Jesmion at chikwudi's seven days of his birth and was circumcised at his eight days of his birth
Jesmion says: Chikwudi = Chi-kwu-di meaning, (great God exist) Chi =God, Kwu=great, Di=exist. Chikwudi is a derivative of Biafra in West Africa. There are, Jesmion Samson Chikwudi (JSC) Chikwudi Ibekwe (CI) the two vernacular which are (Chikwudi Ibekwe) are a vernacular name of a son and his father, example, Chikwudi is a first name of (Jesmion), Ibekwe is the surname of (chikwudi) Now we have Chikwudi a descent of Ibekwe; derived from, Umuogoulo, Uruagu Umudioka, Anambra state, Biafra.West Africa [[Chikwudi Ibekwe]] also [[Jesmion Ibekwe]] ~~~~

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