Statistics and meaning of name Botella

Usage: 0% firstname, 100% surname.
Botella first name was found 12 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Botella is used at least 1937 times in at least 22 countries.
Gender of firstname Botella is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 博泰拉 (pinyin: bó tài lā)

      Surname Botella
Given names
Maria Botella (79)
Jose Botella (73)
Francisco Botella (52)
Juan Botella (47)
Antonio Botella (42)
Vicente Botella (31)
Manuel Botella (23)
Miguel Botella (18)
Philippe Botella (17)
Concepcion Botella (14)
Josefa Botella (14)
Rafael Botella (13)
Pedro Botella (13)
Michel Botella (13)
Dolores Botella (12)
Alain Botella (12)
Daniel Botella (12)
Joseph Botella (12)
Ana Botella (12)
Christian Botella (12)
Luis Botella (12)
Francois Botella (11)
Carmen Botella (11)
Javier Botella (10)
Andre Botella (10)
Antoine Botella (10)
Ramon Botella (10)
Antonia Botella (10)
Jean Botella (10)
Christophe Botella (9)
Bruno Botella (9)
Joaquin Botella (9)
Pierre Botella (9)
Roger Botella (9)
Fernando Botella (9)
Enrique Botella (9)
Angel Botella (8)
Claude Botella (8)
Teresa Botella (8)
Tomas Botella (8)
Patrick Botella (8)
Francisca Botella (8)
Sandrine Botella (7)
Patricia Botella (7)
Guy Botella (7)
Carlos Botella (7)
Stephane Botella (7)
Martine Botella (7)
Pilar Botella (7)
Laurent Botella (6)
Dominique Botella (6)
Marie Botella (6)
Thierry Botella (6)
Rene Botella (6)
Cristina Botella (6)
Santiago Botella (6)
Gilbert Botella (6)
Alexandre Botella (6)
Nathalie Botella (5)
Sergio Botella (5)
Elisabeth Botella (5)
Roland Botella (5)
Fabrice Botella (5)
Francoise Botella (5)
Sebastien Botella (5)
Isabelle Botella (5)
Norbert Botella (5)
Nicole Botella (5)
Didier Botella (5)
Albert Botella (5)
Bernard Botella (5)
Marion Botella (5)
David Botella (5)
Antoni Botella (5)
Marc Botella (5)
Frederic Botella (5)
Paul Botella (5)
Emilio Botella (5)
Gerard Botella (5)
Eduardo Botella (5)
Guillaume Botella (5)
Alberto Botella (5)
Rosa Botella (5)
Encarnacion Botella (5)
Felix Botella (4)
Jordi Botella (4)
Jaime Botella (4)
Georges Botella (4)
Robert Botella (4)
Christine Botella (4)
Amparo Botella (4)
Mickael Botella (4)
Rodrigo Botella (4)
Angeles Botella (4)
Charlotte Botella (4)
Julio Botella (4)
Alvaro Botella (4)
Raymond Botella (4)
Josiane Botella (4)
Rosario Botella (4)
Veronique Botella (4)
Yves Botella (4)
Vincent Botella (4)
Richard Botella (4)
Severine Botella (4)
Margarita Botella (4)
Suzanne Botella (4)
Roberto Botella (4)
Victor Botella (4)
Stephanie Botella (4)
Mercedes Botella (4)
Emile Botella (4)
Cesar Botella (3)
Gonzalo Botella (3)
Consuelo Botella (3)
Mathieu Botella (3)
Jeannine Botella (3)
Federico Botella (3)
Alfredo Botella (3)
Clara Botella (3)
Ernesto Botella (3)
Armando Botella (3)
Agnes Botella (3)
Andres Botella (3)
Frederique Botella (3)
Gregory Botella (3)
Celine Botella (3)
Michelle Botella (3)
Nadine Botella (3)
Mireille Botella (3)
Michele Botella (3)
Laura Botella (3)
Patrice Botella (3)
Nieves Botella (3)
Montserrat Botella (3)
Ignacio Botella (3)
Eric Botella (3)
Sylvie Botella (3)
Ricardo Botella (3)
Josette Botella (3)
Chantal Botella (3)
Alfred Botella (3)
Vanesa Botella (3)
Christelle Botella (3)
Salvador Botella (3)
Elodie Botella (3)
Jeremy Botella (3)
Ghislaine Botella (3)
Evelyne Botella (3)
Ludovic Botella (3)
Annie Botella (3)
Beatrice Botella (3)
Blandine Botella (3)
Valerie Botella (3)
Julian Botella (3)
Joan Botella (3)
Jesus Botella (3)
Amandine Botella (3)
Isabel Botella (3)
Berthe Botella (3)
Olivier Botella (3)
Jorge Botella (3)
Lluis Botella (3)
Monserrat Botella (3)
Camille Botella (3)
Manuela Botella (3)
Denis Botella (3)
Eve Botella (2)
Fabien Botella (2)
Agustina Botella (2)
Alfonso Botella (2)
Diego Botella (2)
Fernand Botella (2)
Ingrid Botella (2)
Virginie Botella (2)
Alicia Botella (2)
Jeanne Botella (2)
Odette Botella (2)
Marcelle Botella (2)
Agustin Botella (2)
Joaquina Botella (2)
Milagro Botella (2)
Natividad Botella (2)
Nuria Botella (2)
Mariano Botella (2)
Marga Botella (2)
Lorena Botella (2)
Luisa Botella (2)
Pascual Botella (2)
Rafaela Botella (2)
Valentin Botella (2)
Virgilio Botella (2)
Susana Botella (2)
Sofia Botella (2)
Remedios Botella (2)
Silvia Botella (2)
Leopoldo Botella (2)
Julia Botella (2)
Esther Botella (2)
Eugenio Botella (2)

Given name Botella
Family names
Botella Tomas (1)
Botella Garcia (1)
Botella Debel (1)

Surname Botella in France   Surname Botella in USA   

Botella reversed is Alletob
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Eltolab Elobalt Boetall Lateblo Aobtell Alolteb Lalbeto Elbatol
Misspells: Botello Botellaa Btoella Botelal

Rhymes: Estella Stella patella Ascella Barbarella Bella Capella rubella novella umbrella fella

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Spain Germany Canada Argentina United Kingdom Ukraine Thailand Hong Kong Australia Puerto Rico Italy Japan Switzerland


Famous people: Ana Botella Serrano, Juan Botella Medina, Salvador Botella Rodrigo

Writers: Juan Botella, César Botella, Sara Botella, Toni Botella, Cristina Botella, C. Botella, Pere Botella, Ana Botella, Botella Bruno, Merce Botella i Mas, José Botella Lluisiá, Juan Botella Ausina, Eva Botella Ordinas, Javier Botella De Maglia, Jose Botella Llusia, Virgilio Botella Pastor, JULIO GARCIA BOTELLA, Miguel C Botella, José Botella Llusiá

Books: "El Diablo En La Botella" "El diablo de la botella"

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