Statistics and meaning of name Berland

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Berland first name was found 61 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Berland is used at least 2374 times in at least 21 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 贝兰 (pinyin: bèi lán)

      Surname Berland
Given names
Michel Berland (27)
Andre Berland (23)
Pierre Berland (20)
Philippe Berland (20)
Jacques Berland (20)
Jean Berland (20)
Claude Berland (19)
Christophe Berland (19)
Alain Berland (17)
Robert Berland (16)
Pascal Berland (16)
Didier Berland (14)
Gerard Berland (14)
Emmanuel Berland (14)
Rene Berland (13)
Roger Berland (13)
Guy Berland (13)
Patrick Berland (12)
Jacqueline Berland (12)
Thierry Berland (12)
Christian Berland (12)
Eric Berland (12)
Bernard Berland (11)
Francois Berland (11)
Marcel Berland (11)
Dominique Berland (10)
Henri Berland (10)
Olivier Berland (9)
Jan Berland (9)
Sebastien Berland (9)
Maurice Berland (9)
Christine Berland (9)
Helene Berland (9)
Stephane Berland (9)
Elisabeth Berland (8)
Gilles Berland (8)
Louis Berland (8)
Raymond Berland (8)
Anne Berland (8)
Sylvie Berland (8)
Veronique Berland (8)
David Berland (8)
Franck Berland (7)
Brigitte Berland (7)
Marie Berland (7)
Agnes Berland (7)
Nathalie Berland (7)
Terje Berland (6)
Bruno Berland (6)
Martine Berland (6)
Kjell Berland (6)
Guillaume Berland (6)
Marianne Berland (6)
Catherine Berland (6)
Yves Berland (6)
Francis Berland (6)
Jerome Berland (6)
Jacky Berland (6)
Paul Berland (6)
Ingrid Berland (6)
Christelle Berland (6)
Sandrine Berland (5)
Monique Berland (5)
Tone Berland (5)
Tor Berland (5)
Danielle Berland (5)
Harald Berland (5)
Hans Berland (5)
Corinne Berland (5)
Serge Berland (5)
Josiane Berland (5)
Bjorn Berland (5)
Lucien Berland (5)
Nicolas Berland (5)
Lars Berland (5)
Yvon Berland (5)
Thomas Berland (5)
Elodie Berland (5)
Daniel Berland (5)
Madeleine Berland (5)
Alexandre Berland (4)
Irene Berland (4)
Laura Berland (4)
Leif Berland (4)
Ole Berland (4)
Albert Berland (4)
Wenche Berland (4)
Svein Berland (4)
Celine Berland (4)
Frederic Berland (4)
Francoise Berland (4)
Roland Berland (4)
Anders Berland (4)
Luc Berland (4)
Benoit Berland (4)
Josette Berland (4)
Loic Berland (4)
Egil Berland (4)
Paulette Berland (4)
Beatrice Berland (4)
Joseph Berland (4)
Cedric Berland (4)
Fabrice Berland (4)
Julie Berland (4)
Joelle Berland (4)
Herve Berland (4)
Yannick Berland (4)
Georges Berland (4)
Alf Berland (4)
Annette Berland (3)
Carole Berland (3)
Stephanie Berland (3)
Aurelie Berland (3)
Heidi Berland (3)
Lucienne Berland (3)
Gunnar Berland (3)
Frode Berland (3)
Annie Berland (3)
Angelique Berland (3)
Nelly Berland (3)
Inger Berland (3)
Hilde Berland (3)
Raymonde Berland (3)
Charles Berland (3)
Mickael Berland (3)
Michael Berland (3)
Jorunn Berland (3)
Julien Berland (3)
Arvid Berland (3)
Asbjorn Berland (3)
Yolande Berland (3)
Yvonne Berland (3)
Gilbert Berland (3)
Delphine Berland (3)
Johan Berland (3)
Ludovic Berland (3)
Damien Berland (3)
Maxime Berland (3)
Frederique Berland (3)
Cecile Berland (3)
Micheline Berland (3)
Magne Berland (3)
Arne Berland (3)
Bjorg Berland (3)
Denis Berland (3)
Olav Berland (3)
Knut Berland (3)
Sylvain Berland (3)
Hubert Berland (3)
Odd Berland (3)
Johanne Berland (3)
Tore Berland (3)
Sigve Berland (3)
Cyrille Berland (3)
Kristian Berland (3)
Ina Berland (2)
Teddy Berland (2)
Lucie Berland (2)
Linda Berland (2)
Mathieu Berland (2)
Evelyne Berland (2)
Sveinung Berland (2)
Jeanne Berland (2)
Karine Berland (2)
Isabelle Berland (2)
Benjamin Berland (2)
Richard Berland (2)
Barbara Berland (2)
Mireille Berland (2)
Astrid Berland (2)
Laurence Berland (2)
Severine Berland (2)
Adele Berland (2)
Valerie Berland (2)
Mahria Berland (2)
Maryline Berland (2)
Remy Berland (2)
Murielle Berland (2)
Edmond Berland (2)
Emilie Berland (2)
Gisele Berland (2)
Ginette Berland (2)
John Berland (2)
Kari Berland (2)
Monica Berland (2)
Nils Berland (2)
Norvald Berland (2)
Oddgeir Berland (2)
Mette Berland (2)
Marit Berland (2)
Lilly Berland (2)
Magnar Berland (2)
Maren Berland (2)
Mariann Berland (2)
Orjan Berland (2)
Petter Berland (2)
Tordis Berland (2)
Torfrid Berland (2)
Trine Berland (2)
Trygve Berland (2)

Given name Berland
Family names
Berland Berisha (1)
Berland Hoxha (1)
Berland Idrisova (1)
Berland Martial (1)
Berland Hammond (1)

Surname Berland in France   Surname Berland in Germany   Surname Berland in Norway   Surname Berland in USA   

Berland reversed is Dnalreb
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Berlond Belland Berrland Berlanda Breland Berladn Berlnad

Rhymes: Cumberland Garland McFarland Sutherland Switzerland borderland fatherland deterrent burdened purposed worsened determined

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Norway Russian Federation Canada Germany Netherlands United Kingdom Europe Thailand Turkey Brazil Indonesia Japan Austria Iraq Sweden Italy Egypt India Algeria Ukraine Switzerland Dominican Republic Morocco


Famous people: Lucien Berland, Robert "Bobby" Berland, Gary "Bones" Berland , Eliezer Berland

Writers: N. Berland, Dinah Berland, Nancy Berland, Warren Berland, François Berland, Berland Al, Nicolas Berland, Marshall Berland, Alwyn Berland, Emmanuel Berland, Terry Berland, Jody Berland, Theodore Berland, Kevin Berland, Jayne Berland, Lincoln L. Berland, S. Berland-Delephine, Jeremy Quentin Berland, Michael J. Berland, Joseph C. Berland

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