Statistics and meaning of name Apicella

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Apicella first name was found 69 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Apicella is used at least 2989 times in at least 15 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 阿皮切拉 (pinyin: ā pí qiē lā)

      Surname Apicella
Given names
Antonio Apicella (99)
Vincenzo Apicella (85)
Giuseppe Apicella (70)
Luigi Apicella (58)
Maria Apicella (50)
Anna Apicella (50)
Salvatore Apicella (41)
Alfonso Apicella (40)
Michele Apicella (38)
Mario Apicella (35)
Pasquale Apicella (33)
Raffaele Apicella (31)
Giovanni Apicella (30)
Nicola Apicella (26)
Carmine Apicella (25)
Carmela Apicella (24)
Rosa Apicella (24)
Aniello Apicella (22)
Andrea Apicella (22)
Domenico Apicella (21)
Matteo Apicella (18)
Gennaro Apicella (18)
Antonietta Apicella (18)
Angela Apicella (15)
Lucia Apicella (15)
Angelo Apicella (13)
Gerardo Apicella (12)
Lorenzo Apicella (12)
Assunta Apicella (12)
Carlo Apicella (11)
Massimo Apicella (11)
Gaetano Apicella (11)
Biagio Apicella (11)
Enrico Apicella (10)
Guido Apicella (10)
Giovanna Apicella (10)
Alberto Apicella (9)
Vittorio Apicella (9)
Rita Apicella (9)
Pietro Apicella (8)
Donato Apicella (8)
Stefano Apicella (8)
Paolo Apicella (8)
Immacolata Apicella (8)
Cosimo Apicella (7)
Tommaso Apicella (7)
Annunziata Apicella (7)
Sergio Apicella (7)
Bruno Apicella (7)
Ciro Apicella (7)
Luciano Apicella (7)
Maurizio Apicella (7)
Teresa Apicella (7)
Fabio Apicella (7)
Marco Apicella (7)
Armando Apicella (7)
Vito Apicella (6)
Rosaria Apicella (6)
Franca Apicella (6)
Concetta Apicella (6)
Antonino Apicella (6)
Felice Apicella (6)
Bonaventura Apicella (6)
Franco Apicella (6)
Giulia Apicella (5)
Rosanna Apicella (5)
Filippo Apicella (5)
Anne Apicella (5)
Patrizia Apicella (5)
Raffaela Apicella (5)
Emilio Apicella (5)
Alfonsina Apicella (5)
Generoso Apicella (5)
Luisa Apicella (5)
Michelina Apicella (5)
Gianluca Apicella (5)
Sabato Apicella (5)
Alfredo Apicella (4)
Giuseppa Apicella (4)
Adele Apicella (4)
Nunzio Apicella (4)
Anthony Apicella (4)
Antonia Apicella (4)
Stefania Apicella (4)
Amedeo Apicella (4)
Ferdinando Apicella (4)
Carla Apicella (4)
Leonardo Apicella (4)
Daniel Apicella (4)
Elena Apicella (4)
Cristina Apicella (4)
Prisco Apicella (4)
Vincent Apicella (4)
Gabriella Apicella (4)
Guglielmo Apicella (4)
Umberto Apicella (4)
Benito Apicella (4)
Giuseppina Apicella (4)
Davide Apicella (3)
Francis Apicella (3)
David Apicella (3)
Elisa Apicella (3)
Fortunata Apicella (3)
Alessandro Apicella (3)
Francois Apicella (3)
Filomena Apicella (3)
Amelia Apicella (3)
Cesare Apicella (3)
Erminia Apicella (3)
Ernesto Apicella (3)
Damiano Apicella (3)
Rocco Apicella (3)
Gioacchino Apicella (3)
Renato Apicella (3)
Alan Apicella (3)
Geremia Apicella (3)
Catherine Apicella (3)
Rosario Apicella (3)
Silvio Apicella (3)
Barbara Apicella (3)
Vincenza Apicella (3)
Saverio Apicella (3)
Nunzia Apicella (3)
Elizabeth Apicella (3)
Roberto Apicella (3)
Trofimena Apicella (3)
Marianna Apicella (3)
Massimiliano Apicella (3)
Ida Apicella (3)
Liberato Apicella (2)
Nino Apicella (2)
Lidia Apicella (2)
Tiziano Apicella (2)
Nativa Apicella (2)
Mariarosaria Apicella (2)
Pierpaolo Apicella (2)
Manlio Apicella (2)
Candida Apicella (2)
Ermelinda Apicella (2)
Alfred Apicella (2)
Fabiana Apicella (2)
Lina Apicella (2)
Iolanda Apicella (2)
Raffaello Apicella (2)
Michelino Apicella (2)
Fortunato Apicella (2)
Matilde Apicella (2)
Piero Apicella (2)
Mauro Apicella (2)
Genoveffa Apicella (2)
Natalina Apicella (2)
Palmina Apicella (2)
Elvira Apicella (2)
Giovannina Apicella (2)
Mariasperanza Apicella (2)
Alessandra Apicella (2)
Giambattista Apicella (2)
Melania Apicella (2)
Oresta Apicella (2)
Santa Apicella (2)
Fiorentino Apicella (2)
Paola Apicella (2)
Rosina Apicella (2)
Alphonse Apicella (2)
Rossella Apicella (2)
Rossano Apicella (2)
Bernard Apicella (2)
Bianca Apicella (2)
Tina Apicella (2)
Adelaide Apicella (2)
Paul Apicella (2)
Corrado Apicella (2)
Daniele Apicella (2)
Joseph Apicella (2)
Andriana Apicella (2)
Giorgio Apicella (2)
Ann Apicella (2)
Silvano Apicella (2)
Silvia Apicella (2)
Valentino Apicella (2)
Valentina Apicella (2)
Dorothy Apicella (2)
Georges Apicella (2)
Adelina Apicella (2)
Tonino Apicella (2)
Tobia Apicella (2)
Marie Apicella (2)
Simona Apicella (2)
Emma Apicella (2)
Luca Apicella (2)
Tiziana Apicella (2)
Silvana Apicella (2)
Eleonora Apicella (2)
Attilio Apicella (2)
Antonella Apicella (2)
Catello Apicella (2)
Dante Apicella (2)
Clelia Apicella (2)
Aurelio Apicella (2)
Caterina Apicella (2)

Given name Apicella
Family names
Apicella Thiant (1)
Apicella Denis (1)
Apicella Giuseppe (1)
Apicella Atelier (1)

Surname Apicella in France   Surname Apicella in Germany   Surname Apicella in Italy   Surname Apicella in Switzerland   Surname Apicella in USA   

Apicella reversed is Allecipa
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Caipaell Liclepaa Lpialcae Epilacal Lpaiclae Aepilalc Ilpelaac Leacilpa
Misspells: Opicella Apycella Apjcella Apecella Apicellaa Aipcella Apicelal

Rhymes: Ascella Marcella Barbarella Bella Capella Carmella patella fella novella vela umbrella

Meaning of this name is unknown.

gaetano says: the surname Apicella is found mostly concentrated in the area between Amalfi Coast - Cava dei Tirreni - Salerno. So that this should be the place of origins.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Germany France United Kingdom Switzerland Ireland Malaysia Norway Australia Argentina Russian Federation


Famous people: Marco Apicella, Manuel Apicella

Writers: John Apicella, Enzo Apicella, Vincent Apicella, A. Apicella, Raymond Apicella, Pippo Apicella, Anthony J. Apicella, Margarita B. Apicella, Dorotea Memoli Apicella, Mary Ann Apicella

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